Case Study; Overcoming Depression and Anxiety with Holistic Assistance

Mark, a 44-year-old electrician, also helps his wife run a bakery business. This dual responsibility, especially during a slowing economy, led to significant stress, resulting in the development of anxiety and depression. Seeking relief, Mark turned to Healing Wave for a comprehensive treatment plan.


Initial Symptoms and Challenges

Issues Presented

Mark's symptoms included:

  • Severe fatigue and brain fog
  • Constant tiredness with poor sleep quality
  • Constipation, bloating, and cravings for unhealthy foods
  • Persistent anxiety and depression

Previous Treatments

Mark was on antidepressants and antihypertensive medications, but these provided little relief. His lifestyle, including inadequate hydration and irregular eating habits, exacerbated his condition.

Treatment Plan

Lifestyle Adjustments

  1. Hydration: Increased water intake to ensure proper hydration.
  2. Diet: Regular meal times and a diet rich in green leafy vegetables and healthy oils (avocado, olive, and macadamia nut oils). Reduced intake of complex carbohydrates.

Ozone Therapy Protocol

The primary treatment involved ozone therapy, scheduled as eight sessions over eight weeks. This included:

  • Major Auto Haemotherapy: Blood is drawn, exposed to ozone, and reintroduced into the bloodstream.
  • Minor Auto Haemotherapy: A smaller amount of blood is treated with ozone and injected back.
  • Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI): Combined with ozone therapy to enhance its effects.

Progress and Outcomes

Initial Stages

The approach for ozone therapy was cautious, starting with low concentrations and gradually increasing. By the fourth treatment, Mark reported significant improvements:

  • Increased energy levels
  • Better sleep patterns
  • Improved digestion and elimination
  • Reduced brain fog

Continued Improvement

By the end of the treatment series, Mark experienced further benefits, such as sustained energy throughout the day and a sharper mind. He described feeling calm and refreshed, particularly after UBI sessions.


One month later, Mark continued to report improvements and requested a "top-up" ozone treatment, especially valuing the UBI sessions. Another follow-up was scheduled three months later to maintain his progress.


Mark's case highlights the potential benefits of ozone therapy for managing anxiety and depression, particularly when conventional medications fall short. By addressing hydration, diet, and incorporating ozone therapy, Mark experienced significant improvements in his overall health and well-being.

If you or one of your loved ones experiences similar symptoms and are looking for a holistic solution to helping them reclaim their wellbeing, contact us today for an initial consultation.

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