
Home » Asthma

Asthma, a persistent inflammatory ailment affecting the airways, prevalent amongst Kiwis.

Various triggers, including inhaled allergens, exposure to dust, chemicals, and fumes, stress, and viral infections, contribute to the initiation or exacerbation of this condition.

If you or your loved ones are suffering from the effects of Asthma, breathe easy and request a free initial consultation with Anna at Healing Wave.

Breathe Easier

These environmental elements collectively give rise to inflammation and obstruction within the airways, forming the foundational issues of asthma.

At Healing Wave in Waipu, we advocate for a comprehensive approach to tackle asthma, employing Ozone Therapy and Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UBI) as the foremost methods.

In our clinic, these two therapeutic techniques are seamlessly integrated to achieve optimal outcomes.

Ozone and UBI work harmoniously for you in easing the symptoms of Asthma by:

  • Enhance Oxygen Uptake
  • Help Regulate the Immune System
  • Reduce Inflammation
  • Combat Bacterial Elements
  • Improve Microcirculation
  • Enhance the Rheological properties of your Blood
  • Facilitate the Detoxification of Blood and Lymph
  • Optimise Blood Saturation
  • Stimulate Red Blood Cell Production
  • Bolster Overall Immune System Functionality

This tailored and comprehensive strategy ensures an effective and holistic approach to managing asthma in the unique context of New Zealand's environment.

Speak to Anna

If you would like to know more or find out how a Naturopathic approach can benefit you, contact Anna today.